Sanskar Abhiyan: State-wide ECCE Roll Out in Chhattisgarh
CLR played a significant role as a resource agency for ICDS, Chhattisgarh in the implementation of Sanskar Abhiyan (SA), a state-wide implementation of ECCE in Chhattisgarh. SA was initiated by the government of Chhattisgarh with support from CLR as the central resource agency. The learning experiences of CLR’s previous ICDS Leadership Program in Chhattisgarh helped shape the design and strategy for SA. We played an instrumental role in designing the training and implementation strategy, mentoring the State Level Master Trainers and also in monitoring the quality of the implementation.
We implemented an assessment of SA and shared its findings with the government. SA strategy is being currently revised based on the assessment findings. CLR was also appointed as a member of the State ECCE kit procurement committee which recommends material for state-wide ECCE implementation.