Building Capacity within NGOs to Promote Early Childhood Care and Development: Project with P.R.I.D.E. in Raigad District, Maharashtra
Based on field level interactions with P.R.I.D.E staff and community members in Mahad CLR helped design an intervention for the intervention for the improvement of home-based child care in their programmers. We conducted recurrent training of 11 trainers (TOT), equipping their trainers to train the 40“communicators” at the field level who then conducted effective caregiver meetings and home-visits, using the CLR Caregiver Education Package in Marathi. They were also being trained to monitor the interventions in the villages and give hand-holding support to the local communicators
P.R.I.D.E. was subsequently able to expand the intervention on their own, with periodic follow-up meetings with CLR. It was good to hear that their trainers were further able to reach out to other NGOs, using the CLR Caregiver Education materials.

Action Research Project for Home-based Delivery of Parent/Caregiver Education for Holistic Early Child Care
Building Capacity within NGOs to Promote Early Childhood Care and Development: Project with P.R.I.D.E. in Raigad District, Maharashtra
Social Work and Research Centre (SWRC), Tilonia, Rajasthan
Sajag - A Caregiver Education Project for Promoting Holistic Home-Based Child Care in Rajnandgaon Block, Chhattisgarh
Building Capacity within NGOs to Promote Early Childhood Care and Development: Project with P.R.I.D.E. in Raigad District, Maharashtra
Social Work and Research Centre (SWRC), Tilonia, Rajasthan
Sajag - A Caregiver Education Project for Promoting Holistic Home-Based Child Care in Rajnandgaon Block, Chhattisgarh