Social Work and Research Centre (SWRC), Tilonia, Rajasthan

SWRC together with a number of neighbouring NGOs implemented home-based interventions for better child care within their project villages. We organised an intensive training of trainers near Tilonia. Master Trainers from several field-based NGOs affiliated to SWRC participated in the training programme. They were as follows: Prayatna, Shodh, Antakshari, Manthan, SWRC Dhanau, Chota Narena, Sara Aadhar, Brijpura, SWRC Jawaja, Tikawada from Dist Jaipur, Ajmer, Barmer.

The TOT was designed to equip trainers to independently conduct training of village-level ‘communicators’ so that these communicators could then hold meetings of caregivers of children from birth to 3 years of age along with home visits. The CLR Education Package for Parents/Caregivers in Hindi was provided to the trainers. In addition to this, CLR also provided a separate guidebook containing modules in Hindi to be used by the trainers to locally conduct recurrent field-based sessions for communicators.

A unique feature

Upon CLR’s suggestion, one participant each from the communication unit and toy-making unit “Kabad se Jugad/कबाड से जुगाड” of SWRC also attended the training. This helped the units to participate in the caregiver education programme by developing puppet shows, songs, skits, play materials, etc. that would disseminate care messages according to local needs.

Community Outreach

The CLR ECCD interactive poster exhibition in Hindi was staged. A participant from the SWRC toy centre organized a toy-making unit at the event, and visitors were taught how to make simple paper toys. The communication unit along with other participants sang songs appropriate for young children and enacted a short skit highlighting some of the caregiving messages. These activities demonstrated replicable possibilities within other NGO and government interventions.