English Books
Let’s Read Series
(10 Books)
The Let’s Read Series, comprising 10 big books, features simple and decodable text with large size illustration support making it an ideal resource to introduce children to reading. These books are easy to read, with stories that are easy to understand, contextual, and designed to foster a love for reading from the early years. With appropriate illustration support, this series aids teachers in supporting emergent reading and navigate introducing young students to the world of short stories and children’s literature.

Story - Time Series
(10 Books)
The folktales in the Story-Time series range from those indigenous to India and other countries to those with contemporary settings and themes. These stories are suitable for primary level readers, providing a diverse and engaging reading experience that spans cultural and thematic boundaries.
Graded Readers Series
This set caters to language structures, contextual vocabulary, and age-appropriate interest levels to help students become proficient, independent and fluent readers. The graded approach also accommodates students with varying reading skills, ranging from beginners to proficient readers. This series has 3 subsets:
Set A (12 books) :
This level contains decodable words with early phonic elements, some ‘sight’ words, simple and basic compound sentences.
Set B (12 books) :
This level contains simple and compound sentences, indirect speech along with direct speech, past tense (simple and continuous) along with present and future tense, contracted forms.
Set c (5 books) :
This wide-ranging collection of stories has many themes to stimulate the imagination of older children and young adults. Learners of English as a second or third language can enjoy reading them, as the language level is appropriate for them.

My World My Words : Picture Dictionary
Featuring about 1,000 words in English and 12 Indian languages, this book is designed for students in both regional-medium and English-medium schools, with content based on the world of Indian children. It contains colorful pictures that portray the rich diversity of India, making it an engaging resource. The teaching theme-based vocabulary’ approach helps children contextualize new words, making it easier for them to understand and remember. Developed through extensive experience in teaching first language and English as a second language to both rural and urban children, this book serves as a valuable resource for teachers and parents. The picture dictionary is available in English and 12 Indian languages.
Marathi Books
चला वाचूया
( १२ पुस्तके )
चला वाचूया पुस्तक-मालिका : वाचन शिकतानाच्या पहील्या टप्प्यावर मुलांना वाचनासाठी उद्युक्त करण्यास शिक्षक व पालकांना मदत व्हावी अशा अपेक्षेने ही पुस्तकं तयार करण्यात आली आहेत. प्राथमिक शाळांमध्ये, अनौपचारिक शिक्षण कार्यक्रमांमध्ये तसंच घरच्या घरीही वापरता येतील. या पुस्तकांतील विषय मुलांच्या भावविश्वाच्या जवळचे आहेत. छोटी छोटी वाक्यं, गंमतीदार व मोठी चित्रं आणि शब्दांची पुनरावृत्ती यात आहे आणि ही सर्व पुस्तकं जोडाक्षरविरहित आहेत. या पुस्तकांचा वापर करून शिक्षक/ शिक्षिका वर्गात मुलांसाठी सहभागी वाचन करू शकतील. शिक्षकांनी वाचून दाखवल्यानांतर मुले सुद्धा ही पुस्तके सहज वाचू शकतील. यातून मुलांच्या भाषा व साक्षरता विकासाला हातभार लागेल तसेच त्यांना वाचनाची गोडी लागेल. या पुस्तकात स्वरचिन्हांचा विशिष्ट टप्प्याने सराव होईल
‘चला वाचूया’ या मालिकेमुळे खरीखुरी ‘पुस्तकं’ वाचण्यातली मजा मुलांना अगदी लहान वयापासून अनुभवता येईल.

मूल्य शिक्षणासाठी गोष्टी
( ३ पुस्तके )
आपल्या सर्वांना मुले मोठी होत असताना त्यांच्यात योग्य नीतिमूल्ये रुजावी असे वाटत असते. त्यासाठी कथा हे अतिशय प्रभावी असे साधन आहे. या ‘गडबडे कथा’ मालिकेतील कथा लहान मुलांच्या दैनंदिन जीवनाशी निगडित अशा मानवी मूल्यांवर आधारित आहेत.